Things To Know:
- We are excellent listeners. We take thorough notes and pick up on the subtle details about your lifestyle, family situation, and personal preferences, while working closely and collaboratively with you. Paying attention to idiosyncrasies and picking up on important cues is how we ensure that your home accurately reflects you and supports your ideal lifestyle.
- Design is an investment in YOU. Simply put, your home is a reflection of you. Your surroundings have the power to support and uplift you every day. We believe the investment in your every day life and how you feel within it is one of the most important investments in yourself that you can make!
- We are your advocate. We know you are busy doing what you do best, so when it comes to communication with architects, contractors, and tradespeople, we have your back! We speak their language and we know the specifications they need to get the job done right.
- Realistic budgets are key. Since we do this day in and day out, we know what is realistic after factoring our fees, installation costs, shipping fees, and taxes. It is our philosophy that it’s much better to spend well on a smaller scale than to do multiple rooms at once on the cheap. Buying better once instead of cheaply twice, not only saves money in the long run, but leads to more satisfying and remarkable results.
- Involve us early. If you are planning a large project for your home, it’s smart to have a set of design eyes on the plans early on. We see spaces differently than an architect or contractor and can catch costly mistakes before they happen. We can see the bigger picture and we can create the necessary visuals for you so that you can see it too! By sticking to a plan, decision making is made easier and costly mistakes and change orders can be avoided. Preventing the snowball effect of regretful design decisions is priceless!
- HGTV is not real life. It’s hard to hear, we know! The budgets and timelines on HGTV are for TV production and not real life. In most cases, the budgets shown are off by at least double what it actually costs to complete a project without the help of a staging company, a full marketing team, and sponsorship from ad placements. We set realistic goals that will lead to a successful end product.