Creating a WFH Sanctuary: Step 2

In Step 1 we had you stake your claim on the best spot in town (your WFH spot).

Now, it’s time to create an altar.

Just kidding.

Sort of.

It might kinda seem like you’re creating an altar, but you’re not.

Ok. Maybe you are.

This is an altar for your peace of mind! A.K.A - POM

Whether your POM is long gone or just harder to find these days, these steps I’m about to share are 100% guaranteed to get you and your POM reacquainted.

  1. Get out your favorite candle!

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Candles are not just for Self Care Sundays anymore.

Every day is Self Care Sunday now!

Candles create a comforting ambiance with their flickering light and warm glow. Pretty sure we need all the comfort we can get right now. Plus, they just feel special and helping your WFH sanctuary feel a little more special, is what we’re going for!

If you don’t have a favorite candle, this is a great time to find one. I don’t think you’ll ever have a better excuse so you might want to take advantage.

Here’s WHY:

They aren’t just for ambiance and decor!

Have you ever smelled an orange blossom candle and thought you were in sunny Florida? Or smelled camellias and thought you were touring a historical house in New Orleans??

No? Just me?

Anyway, thanks to our noses we can travel without ever going anywhere!

Smelling things triggers the parts of our brain connected to memories. Those memories trigger feelings. Those feelings have the power to linger and influence how we feel throughout the entire day. If ever there was a time to trigger happy memories and travel somewhere without actually traveling, it’s right now.

Here’s me traveling…

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I am currently in the Garden District of New Orleans.

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I am roaming the sidewalks, drooling over the historical details (do you SEE that Greek Key detail in the fence???), imagining what life was like back in the 19th Century, what music would be heard, smelling all the smells (minus the non-indoor plumbing part), and pretending I live there, waving to the people walking by, hugging all the dogs and horses that pass by, and meeting a wise Baroness that hires me to turn her old mansion into a B&B and interior design studio with a gift shop and fancy beignet cafe inside……aka the best travel story ever!

If I start talking with a Cajun accent you know why!

Here’s another favorite candle you can find HERE.

(Just in case you want to go to the Garden District too)

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What if you don’t already have a favorite candle? Where do you begin?

Ask yourself…What smells make you happy? What smells take you back to a happy, magical time? What smells make you feel like a carefree kid running around outside chasing fireflies again?

Sometimes, we don’t know what memories will surface until we start smelling a bunch of different smells.

These candle samplers are great for just that!


You can grab yours and have it delivered to your home HERE!

Feeling a little more adventurous?

Look at this dream-y set!

They’re so GORGEOUS!

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Available HERE!

If it’s not a great time to be buying candles, there’s always dryer sheets!

Dryer sheets are basically candles for your laundry. The latest Downy Infusions are pretty amazing too!

Once scent is even called CALM.

CALM = Curling up in the laundry basket!

2. Light the candle!

There’s something very special about lighting a candle. It’s like lighting a promise to yourself that you’re not allowing any bullshit into your brain for awhile.

So, if you have a favorite, light it. Take a deep breath, and GO AWAY for awhile!

If you’re not a fan of candles or if they freak you out, get out that diffuser!

Here’s mine...behind my rocks. We’ll get to those later (laughing at me is totally permitted)

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Currently diffusing lavender because…CALM.

Don’t have one?

Here are two KDI-approved diffusers - the diffuser we keep in our office and the diffuser we keep by our beds.

We love diffusers that have multiple settings, so you can enjoy either continuous diffusing or set it to intermittent mode, where the diffuser is on for a few minutes and off for a few minutes, maximizing your run time. ‘Cause ain’t nobody got time for re-filling it with water three times a day.

No matter what diffuser you have, make sure the oils you put in it are high quality 100% natural oils. This is the only way to ensure you’re really reaping the aromatherapy benefits!

We’ve also discovered some amazing essential-oil based room sprays that we love spritzing in the room before a particularly busy day.

We especially love this Idea Mist!

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P.S. I used to have major guilt over buying nice, non-essential things, especially things like candles because… electricity… duh, but I DON’T anymore. I realized the unquantifiable value in producing and keeping high quality thoughts and I decided that whatever rituals I require to conjure up high quality thoughts, I’M GONNA DO THEM! Not only for my POM but for my success and happiness in life. And when I have a better, happier life, I can make sure others do too!

Guilt can kindly kiss off.

You’re now 2 steps closer to your WFH sanctuary!

In the next step, we’re going to talk about textural qualities and colors that make a sanctuary FEEL like a sanctuary!

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